Having signed up, I began to notice all the various disgruntled and angry customers venting their bile at Emusic. 'Scam' was a word that came up often. It's almost universal. Despite what 'professional' reviewers might say, almost everyone else was unanimous in saying that Emusic are crooks, they won't let their customers cancel until they pay, etc.
Well, not a good sign, but since I was there, I might as well make the most of the trial and see what happens. Download as much as I can and get out as quick as I can.
It's a good job that I knew what I wanted to download in advance. Having tried out the seven day trial, I found there isn't really enough time to browse around and use up the £12 worth of downloads unless you did nothing but browse their extensive catalogue every day for seven days - or you know what you want. It's worth browsing the selection first and listening to the full tracks you've shortlisted on Youtube, Spotify, or whatever before you even sign up.
I guess that is what Emusic wants: people feeling as though they don't have enough time to download everything they are interested in, ultimately paying for the first month in order to get those tracks. Or maybe hoping people will be busy enough they will forget they even signed up in the first place - as was the case with some of the angry customers.
Well, anyway, I got what I wanted. I was interested in Midnight Syndicate's Halloween Music album as well as one or two others they had in the catalogue. I wasn't really interested in anything else, so I cancelled after the trial, but they threw another £5 in an attempt to get me to stay, so I said yes, used up that quota and cancelled.
I kept checking my bank account and it seemed as though nothing has happened. They have cancelled my account and I haven't been billed at all, like many claimed to have. I have to say, though, I think some of those complainers simply forgot they signed up or maybe they didn't realise they actually had to cancel through the website. Some even thought they didn't need to do anything at all and the trial will automatically cancel itself.
So is it a scam? I just think people were just drawn in by the promises of a free buffet. As for me, well... I benefited. I was able to get a fully functional copy of Winzip without paying for it and downloaded a couple of nice Halloween themed albums for free - just in time for the 31st.
Happy Halloween to you all.